Review 12 Guidelines In 12 Minutes

Protecting your time is key. One of the ways we thought we could help is to provide you a video overview of New Guidelines in 12 minutes or less. Stephen F. Covey’s seventh habit “sharpen the saw” means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have–YOU. Joining NANOE’s Board of Governors provides you a continuing education experience worthy of your tenure and will meaningfully contribute to your balanced program of self-renewal. EASE-OF-USE will be the key! Your time investment will be SMALL yet important. One of the ways we thought we could help is to provide you a brief video overview of New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit. ENJOY!


  1. Robert Smith says:

    WOW! (again!) 🙂
    Where would the world be without guidelines. And that the current guidelines are from an era we are truly no longer a part of – well, changing/adapting them to NOW is certainly a key element of – progress – living in the here and now.
    The information provided in this video is certainly going to evoke some strong points from some of us…..

  2. The videos are very educating and well understood I am humbled being a new foundation having the opportunity to be part of greatness and at the same time learning accountability and growth 🙂
    God Bless !!

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