For Donors Who Supercharge Charity Using Free Market Principles
The Non-Profit Sector is a Non-Growth Sector
Charity is in desperate need of an overhaul. Current legislation, tax laws, industry standards, outdated philosophies, organizational structures and practices stop the sector from growth on all fronts. Yet, for the past twenty years, government and philanthropic communities have relied more and more on the nonprofit sector to tackle many social and environmental issues. Simply put, industry standards have not kept up with or changed to meet the new demands of the 21st century.
National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives (NANOE) is a nationwide network of donors, foundations and corporations whose relentless commitment to significant and sustainable impact transforms the communities we serve. NANOE investors are innovators who solve problems (not just service them) by deploying heroic missions of scale that confront social and environmental dilemmas so completely that money chases after their every need.
1.6 MILLION - There are 1.6 million tax-exempt organizations in the United States – this includes all 501(c) designations from churches, human welfare, education, health, the arts and environment.
70.5% - 1.2 million charities or 70.5% have budgets under $500,000. Only 360,000 (20.39%) have revenues of $1m or more and represent health and education institutions who already use free-market principles to grow their organizations.
145 - In the past fifty years 45,000 for-profit companies have exceeded $50 million in revenues. Only 145 nonprofits have reached that mark in the same time period.
2.5% - Charitable giving has stagnated for fifty years ($390 billion in 2017) hovering right around 2.2% of Gross National Product for five decades.
33 TRILLION - The charitable sector generates and spends $1.65 trillion dollars annually. Meaning, over the next 20 YEARS nonprofits will spend over $33 trillion dollars WITHOUT ACHIEVING SIGNIFICANT IMPACT.
NANOE investors believe that “innovation never fears a challenge” and that the greatest contribution donors can make to charity is to grow a new generation of enterprise-leaders who achieve significant impact. Here’s how we do it:
- We connect philanthropists, funders and academics to people that transform their worlds;
- We create platforms, programs and tools that supercharge financial capacity building;
- We form economic impact engines infusing capital into charities to guarantee mission success;
- We confront intellectual dishonesty using mass communications to dispel myths and disseminate truth;
- We disrupt industry associations, organizations and media outlets whose activities injure nonprofits;
- We build personal relationships with leaders that strengthen them and meet their needs;
- We establish compensation standards that safeguard the financial success of those employed in our sector;
- We credential executives in advanced management models, capacity-building and consulting;
- We research and report on scale, sustainability and significant impact;
- We host forums, conferences and events on scale, sustainability and significant impact

NANOE, a 501(c)3 corporation, has unveiled a new and growing set of capacity-building “guidelines” that empower nonprofits in ways previously thought to be impossible. These approved techniques are based on field-tested university research and have been peer-reviewed by NANOE Governors during biennial Convention & Expo. They have been designed for leaders who have a passion to grow their mission.
FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS & PHILANTHROPISTS: - NANOE supports donors by ensuring the nonprofits they financially support are equipped for success. NANOE protects a giver’s investment by working side-by-side with the recipient of their gifts ensuring that the organization uses their gift to increase capacity and foster growth. NANOE also provides foundations, corporations, and philanthropists an alternative to saying “no” to the nonprofit not yet equipped to receive their investment. Instead, funders can provide the gift of the NANOE to prepare them for a future opportunity to receive funding.
EXECUTIVES, BOARD MEMBERS, STAFF & VOLUNTEERS - NANOE’s founders have trained more than 13,500 nonprofit officers and volunteers representing more than 4000 organizations in the following areas of capacity-building:
- Collaborations/partnerships/alliances
- Mergers
- Strategic planning/mission
- Fundraising/development
- External communications/marketing/media relations
- Program development/redesign
- Facility expansion/improvement
- Customer focus/surveys/input
- Environmental learning
- Organizational Learning & planning
- Programmatic learning
- Decision making
- New resource acquisition
- Organizational sustainability
- Program sustainability
- Reorganization/restructuring
- Team building/staff morale
- Staffing levels/quality
- Diversity initiatives
- Rainy day fund/reserves
- Innovation fund
- Internal communication
- Contraction/downsizing
- Staff development
- Supporting staff resource needs
- Program staffing
- Managing program staff performance
- Managing all staff performance
- Conveying value of staff
- Assessing staff performance
- Problem solving
- Volunteer management
- Manager to staff communication
- Service delivery skills
- Evaluation skills
- Outreach and advocacy skills
- Marketing and communication skills
- Legal skills
- Fundraising skills
- Earned income generation skills
- Accounting skills
- Facilities management skills
- Technology skills
- Board development/management
- Leadership development/management training
- Succession planning/search
- Change in leadership
- Greater delegation/participation/change in management style
- Board leadership development
- Executive leadership development
- Board to Executive relationship building
- Leader influence
- Community leadership and credibility
- Leadership sustainability
- Technology planning/acquisition/use
- Accounting/financial management
- Personnel system
- Staff training/development
- Formal evaluation
- Organizational assessment/accreditation processes
- Outcomes/results management/accountability measures
- Improved processes/procedures
INSTRUCTORS, MENTORS & CONSULTANTS - NANOE believes properly trained consultants are the key to providing nonprofit organizations the information they need to succeed. NANOE credentials Executive Directors, Development Officers, Human Resource Directors, Finance Directors, Program Directors, Volunteers, and Board Members who are ready to share their experiences with others. NANOE hosts a biennial conference, provides the Certified Nonprofit Consultant credential, as well as the world’s largest online training platform and capacity-building library.
FOR-PROFIT SERVICE PROVIDERS & VENDORS - NANOE provides vendors who serve the charitable sector the opportunity to be established as a CBE Capacity-Building Enterprise (CBE) Preferred Service Provider. This “Seal of Approval” gives Nonprofit Executives the confidence they need when choosing cost-efficient and superior services to accomplish their mission. Each NANOE preferred partner has distinguished themselves in service to the sector and have been named a “PREFERRED PROVIDER” to the charitable sector.

We come to investors with robust solutions that have been field-tested and are supported by technology platforms thirty-years in the making. Here are the different ways NANOE delivers transformation to charities that soar:
MEMBERSHIP NETWORKS: - NANOE connects individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, governments and nations creating ever-expanding ecosystems for effective and sustainable investment in worldwide movements that transform lives.
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT: - NANOE’s research team identifies, defines, and articulates areas of nonprofit sector practice that prevent organizational growth. Their work is based on doctoral research (including university-led clinical studies, group interactions with senior leaders at over 300 seminars and thousands of one-on-one discussions with board members, volunteers and executive directors). NANOE captures and records what’s going on behind-the-scenes at nonprofits and witnessed firsthand the lack of organization, definition, and attention given to the development of the charitable corporation.
NEW GUIDELINES FOR TOMORROW’S NONPROFIT: - NANOE organized a renowned group of practitioners, volunteers, academicians and philanthropists from around the world to research and develop a new set of capacity-building “competencies” that dramatically increase sector impact. The recommended changes in structure and operations of nonprofit governance, leadership and management are intended to be for both small and large nonprofits; for those that are limping along, and those that are high-performing; those that have stopped growing or are declining, and those that are growing and thriving. Today, no nonprofit is at the scale needed to tackle the major social and environmental problems faced globally, nationally, regionally (and some would say even locally).
REGIONAL TRAININGS & NATIONAL CONFERENCE: - NANOE’s Board of Governors Convention & Expo organizes a wide-array of industry professionals from all stations within the public, private and nonprofit sectors for a national conference every other year. Vendors, CEOs, staff members, administrators, donors, board members and clergy who work or volunteer in the human welfare, education, healthcare, arts, animals, environmental and/or public benefit sectors gather to further codify New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofits.
CERTIFIED VENDOR PROGRAM: - Members have unlimited access to this virtual online expo full of discounted services and products charities need to achieve their important mission.
INDUSTRY MEDIA OUTLETS: - InsideCharity.org - America’s Trusted Nonprofit News Source is NANOE’s one-stop online magazine that curates respected capacity-building articles from industry leaders. 501c3.Buzz is a separate broadcast resource that allows nonprofits to raise the level of visibility of their important work on the worldwide web.
MENTORING, COACHING & CONSULTING: - NANOE has organized a national group of credentialed counselors who are available via phone, video-conference or onsite visits to charities, foundations, corporations in need of capacity-building training.
CLOUD BASED TRAINING PLATFORM: - NANOE Central provides members automated credentialing, a 10,000 page capacity builder’s download library, video training, audio training and tutorial training to immerse members in New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofits. NANOE Central also includes and online research forum that facilitates the review and reaction of NANOE Governors to the current submission of New Guidelines.
CREDENTIALING PROGRAMS: - Executives with the designation CNE, CDE and/or CNC believe that “innovation never fears a challenge” and that the greatest contribution nonprofit practitioners can make to charity is to become the creative, thinking enterprise-leaders our sector so desperately needs.
NATIONAL DONOR DATABASE: - NANOE members have paid access to this comprehensive donor directory containing the contact information of 5 million net worth millionaires. DonorScope is for practitioners who are ready to meet the big givers in their community.
ADVOCACY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS: - By tracking regional and national trends, the NANOE identifies how policies and practices at all levels of government – local, state, and federal – are increasing demands on community-based nonprofits and reducing the resources that those organizations need to meet their missions. We produce special reports and unique tools that inform charitable nonprofit staff and board members, as well as policymakers, about public policy challenges and opportunities. When necessary, we mobilize our network to resist efforts by federal, state and local governments that are harmful to the work of charitable nonprofits.
Determining What Does & Doesn't Work

Thank you for joining NANOE on this journey to supercharge the nonprofit sector.
For too long, Americans have used the term “nonprofit” in a way that means “against profit”. Growth in the nonprofit sector in the U.S. has been stagnant while the for-profit sector has grown exponentially. Nonprofit leaders, employees and boards are frustrated. Models that worked forty years ago are failing. Donors want increased transparency and results. Turnover in nonprofits is high because pay and satisfaction are low. The time has come to re-form the nonprofit sector by advocating for fewer restrictions, promoting innovation and bringing free market principles to the charitable sector.
Let’s be clear: to operate as a nonprofit does not mean operating at a loss each year. Rather, nonprofits sow whatever gains they have back into their missions to change and save lives. There is nothing wrong with a nonprofit innovating and taking risks for the sake of achieving a heroic mission of scale. In the free market, ideas that have value will gain investors, while ideas that cannot compete will fail. The outcomes are simple, better products and services for consumers.
NANOE’s goal is to change and save more lives and we can only do this by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of nonprofits. Nonprofit employees will be paid salaries commiserate with the for-profit world based on performance. CEOs will lead and innovate with authority and clarity. Board members will be experts who are true stakeholders in the organization. Volunteers will have the training and resources they need to make their time and efforts well spent. Donors will have closer relationships with CEOs and understand the impact of their generosity. Corporations and Foundations will have increased value provided for their investments.
By promoting free market principles in the nonprofit sector, NANOE is taking what works for businesses and applying it to human service, education, the arts and the environment. Through investing $6.7 million over the next six years, the transformation will begin.
CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CDOs, Board Members, Donors & Volunteers.
How will these monies be invested? The hard work has already been done. Research has been completed, thousands of pages have been written, the membership platform is online, trainings are being hosted, communications are regularly broadcasted. WHAT’S NEXT?
3.5% - Increasing the nonprofit sector’s 2.2% command of GDP to 3.5%
900,000 - Decreasing the number of nonprofits from 1.6 million to 900,000
400 - Moving 400 charities to $50 million in annual revenues
$1 MILLION - Growing the number of charities with $1 million in annual income to 600,000
20% - Raising nonprofit employee’s wages average by 20%
- 18,000 NANOE Members (C-Suite Level Executives)
- 10,000 NANOE Attendees
- 5,000 NANOE Certificants
- 1,500 NANOE Vendors
- 4,000 NANOE Donors
- Increasing the nonprofit sector’s 2.2% command of GDP to 3.5%
- Decreasing the number of nonprofits from 1.6 million to 900,000
- Moving 400 charities to $50 million in annual revenues
- Growing the number of charities with $1 million in annual
- income to 600,000
- Raising nonprofit employee’s wages average by 20%

NANOE’s Board of Directors is comprised of nationally renowned experts who provide NANOE’s President two separate yet critical support functions: ADVICE & ACCOUNTABILITY. NANOE’s Directors are known across the United States as America’s Super Board because of the success they’ve achieved in growing impact organizations. They are a stellar example to board members everywhere.

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Clemson University (Retired)

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