The NANOE Solution: Finally, Something That Actually Works – Louis Fawcett

We live in a frenetic sound bite culture of 24/7 distractions. Especially in the nonprofit world, there are a multitude of discussion, topics, webinars, feasibility studies, board trainings, conferences, organizations, political issues and books that (while well intentioned) only distract you from growing your organization’s impact. You don’t have to work in our sector for very long to feel overwhelmed and confused. There are days when we wonder if anyone is listening or if we are making any impact at all.
The peril of getting caught up in distractions is that we fail to solve problems and fulfill our organization’s mission. Many nonprofit professionals become paralyzed and ineffectual. Unable to affect real change, they work 50-60 hour weeks full of meetings, reports and busy work, but make no progress.
Listen to Melinda Gates:
“The world is full of what seem like intractable problems. Often, we let them paralyze us. Instead, let them spur you to action. There are some people in the world that we can’t help, but there are so many more that we can. So, when you see a mother and her children suffering in another part of the world, don’t look away. Look right at them. Let them break your heart, then let your empathy and your talents help you make a difference in the lives of others.”
Melinda Gates does not allow global problems to overwhelm or distract her. Rather, she attacks them and looks for solutions that work.
Here at NANOE, we are called to do the same. We help organizations determine heroic missions of scale for their communities to help more people than ever before!
NANOE is not about a philosophical discussion or an academic debate. Rather, NANOE is about action. Idealistic conversations about the way the world should be are luxuries entertained by those who want to avoid the world as it really is. The longer we chatter away about nothing, the longer the children and families who need our help suffer.
NANOE’s assertion is that most nonprofits fail at capacity building because they over-emphasize program delivery. Most small to medium human service nonprofits place passionate, dedicated program delivery professionals in executive positions, only to see capacity-building stagnate. Rather than working harder at delivering programs, NANOE equips leaders to prioritize capacity building.
The bottom line? Building capacity to change and save more lives is the only thing that matters. Everything else is a distraction. By setting aside distractions and focusing on your heroic mission of scale, more lives will be changed and saved. Building capacity for your organization leads to real impact and real change.
So how do we get there?
One of the ways NANOE is transforming the nonprofit sector is by working with NANOE Governors. NANOE Governors are nonprofit professionals who are willing to throw out traditional norms and consider new guidelines for our industry. NANOE casts the net widely to recruit Governors. We want every nonprofit professional to serve in this working group. Why? Because we believe solutions should be formulated from the ground up, not handed down to us from those in ivory towers. So called, “best practices” should be formed and re-formed based on experience and sound research, not on academic theory or broken models from the past.
NANOE’s solution places accessible, achievable and affordable standards, practices and credentials in the hands of executives who can achieve significant impact through innovation.
Melinda Gates also says:
“We need to learn from the innovators. Innovators who come from every single sector. If we can understand what’s working in the for-profit sector we can apply those same lessons for the public good.”
NANOE offers real solutions to real problems. In the form of six guidelines, NANOE examines the root causes of failures in the nonprofit sector and provides a road map to your success. The six guidelines (with over 700 pages of accompanying empirical research) are:
1. Give & Take: Harnessing the Power of Differentiated Relationships
2. Strong CEOs: Heroism, Strength, Knowledge, Achievement and Vision
3. System Shock: New Era Management Structures for Charities that Soar
4. Building Capacity: Technology, Legacy and Working Capital for Significant Impact
5. Boosting Capacity: Securing Risk, Opportunity and Change Capital for Significant Impact
6. Evaluating Impact: Before During and After Strategic Growth Actions
Give & Take: Harnessing the Power of Differentiated Relationships
How can I turn my organization into a globally networked organization that engages in bridged, egalitarian, reciprocal relationships that achieves significant impact? Do we really want to go to scale or don’t we? Why is it important to do so?
Strong CEOs: Heroism, Strength, Knowledge, Achievement, Vision
Leadership is not about your volunteer board members. Leadership is about your STRONG CEO. What character and competence do effective CEOs display? What do we know about CEOs that have achieved major social and environmental impacts?
System Shock: New Era Management Structures for Charities that Soar
What are my responsibilities as a CEO to create an effectively lead and managed organization and operation? What kinds of organization and operations tend to be characteristic of those that grow and make an impact? What roles and responsibilities characterize board-CEO that promote growth and significant impact?
Building Capacity: Securing Financial Capital for Significant Impact
How can I generate revenues to a) add, repair and increase technology, b) secure money for equipment and facilities, c) sustain and grow revenues to support current operations and make modest expansions, and d) generate revenue for longer-term sustainability?
Boosting Capacity: Securing Change Capital for Significant Impact
How can we generate big dollar investments so that we can grow to scale, make a greater impact, seize opportunities, handle costs associated with taking risks during change periods, and make major changes when our customs or the surrounding social, economic or political context changes?
Evaluating Impact: Before, During, After Strategic Growth Actions
Want to generate revenue that is significant? How can we start an evaluation program if our organization is small? Why is having an evaluation program so significant to growth and to securing big dollar gifts? What kinds of evaluations make a difference?
You can access all 700 pages of NANOE’s New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofits by joining NANOE.
VISIT HERE to learn more and become a member today.
The NANOE Solution is based on sound research and real world input. NANOE Staff does the research and NANOE Governors provide the practical insight and experience necessary to form usable guidelines. The NANOE solution is by the people, for the people.
I’m looking forward to continuing this journey with you.
Louis Fawcett
President, NANOE
Reverend Louis Fawcett, holds a BA from Randolph-Macon College and two Master Degrees from Wake Forest University and Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. He was privileged to Pastor three Lutheran congregations in Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina. His service to the charitable sector began with his work at Christian World Foundation where he raised support for orphans in China, Russia and Ethiopia. During the 2008 recession, Louis led a successful campaign to build a children’s home in Ethiopia. Following the 2010 earthquake, Louis transitioned to Haiti Children, a charity serving destitute families and children in that island nation. In 2013, Louis accepted the position of Senior Vice President of Principal Gifts at EdVenture Children’s Museum where he forged collaborations with under-resourced communities throughout South Carolina. He has served Central South Carolina Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) for seven years as both board member and president. He was honored in 2016 as AFP’s Outstanding Fundraising Professional. His journey has prepared him to lead a NANOE Reformation of the charitable sector.