Louis Fawcett Says, “Everything You’ve Learned About Nonprofits Is Wrong”
Louis Fawcett Says, “Everything You’ve Learned About Nonprofits Is Wrong” is an introduction to the author of the new book RE-IMAGINING NONPROFITS: Turning Your Mess Into a Masterpiece. Here’s what Fawcett’s publisher Jimmy LaRose has to share about the author:
(RE-IMAGINING NONPROFITS: Turning Your Mess Into a Masterpiece goes on sale November 5th GIVING TUESDAY)
Throughout his book, “Outliers” Malcom Gladwell repeatedly refers to the “10,000-hour rule” He asserts, “To be considered truly experienced within a certain field of work, you must practice it for ten thousand hours in order to be named a subject matter expert.”
I’m Jimmy LaRose, and I’ve spent nearly 30,000 hours with the author of RE-IMAGINING NONPROFITS: Turning Your Mess Into a Masterpiece. Thus, according to Gladwell’s definition, I’m a Louis Fawcett SUPER-EXPERT.
The FIRST time I met Louis, he handed me a check! It was at Association of Fundraising Professional’s (AFP) National Philanthropy Day Luncheon and our board chair won Volunteer of the Year.
Organizations who were honored also received a cash award, hence the check Louis presented to me. When the event was over this stranger grabbed me, smiled, shook my hand, and said, “I’m Louis Fawcett!” He handed me an envelope and congratulated me on our award.
You see, “FIRSTS” are important in life. I challenge you to inventory your different “FIRSTS.” Make a list and explore the different places “FIRSTS” have taken you. Little did I know that Louis Fawcett would be handing me checks for decades to come.
Louis Fawcett Says, “Everything You’ve Learned About Nonprofits Is Wrong”
“SECONDS” are important too. The next time I met Louis (who was serving as my AFP Chapter President) was via a phone call.
I was performing a two-day Major Gifts Ramp-Up Conference in Las Vegas and in between sessions, I saw a missed call from Louis Fawcett. I welcomed the opportunity to talk to him again. Here’s why he called.
Several of our local old school nonprofit leaders gave Louis the unenviable task of sitting down with Jimmy LaRose to explain to me the countless reasons why our newly formed National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives (NANOE) needed to be abolished.
As our call came to an end Louis shared, “The charitable sector already has a myriad of nonprofit networks and NANOE is superfluous.” Now remember, I followed Louis’ career for about two years and knew he was a good guy. As we closed, I said, “Louis, why don’t you join Kristi and I in our home for dinner to sort this whole thing out.” He graciously replied, “I look forward to our time together.”
“THIRDS” are when friendships are formed! You see, Louis said “Yes” to our dinner invitation and within 12 Months NANOE’s Board of Directors named Louis Raymond Fawcett President of NANOE!
Why? How? Because Louis and Jimmy took a minute to discover their shared values. We discovered we agreed on beliefs rooted in faith, vocation, and courage. He joined me on this journey to risk our reputations, time, and money to confront the brokenness of the charitable sector.
Why did he do this? Because Louis cares about changing and saving lives!
Well, that’s how our journey began. Since then, we’ve traveled a few thousand miles together and I’ve had the privilege of learning a thing or two about my fellow fundraising entrepreneur.
Fundamentally, the nonprofit sector is bereft of leadership. When you boil down all of charity’s sufferings to the single, cancerous, collective, lowest common denominator it is that we are without leadership. The nonprofit sector gives lip service to leadership, but isn’t willing to make the hard, business minded decisions to nurture young professionals to grow into seasoned leaders.
Louis Fawcett is a SUPER LEADER.
See below a matrix from Antony Bell’s best-selling book “Great Leadership.”
Tony proposes there are only four types of leaders. He asserts only one of the four types of leaders is worthy. Here’s his list:
1. Leaders who are NOBLE BUT INEPT
4. Leaders who are NOBLE AND COMPETENT
TRAGICALLY, most nonprofits are led by one of the first three types. You see, Louis Fawcett is not only NOBLE AND COMPETENT, but he’s just written a book to ensure that you become the type of SUPER
LEADER our charitable sector so desperately needs. According to Louis, the only way this is going to happen is if we are willing to completely REIMAGINE NONPROFITS.
Louis’ “the emperor has no clothes” approach to the piety and crazymaking rampant throughout our sector will take your breath away.
RE-IMAGINE NONPROFITS is a page-turner and every minute or two you’ll be saying to yourself, “YES”, “THANK YOU”, “FINALLY”, “OF COURSE”, “WHY NOT?”
As you read this book, you’ll see that he sets the stage in the first few chapters by calling ALL OF US out. He takes no prisoners as he exposes the dysfunction WE’VE NORMALIZED. However, all is not lost. Louis provides TEN SOLUTIONS that will change you the way you do business and turn your mess into a masterpiece.
Behind closed doors I call my good friend CHARITY’S GENIUS. Once you’ve finished RE-IMAGINING NONPROFITS: Turning Your Mess Into a Masterpiece you’ll share my sentiment.
In closing, let me share that Louis Fawcett has become my brother on this journey. He’s both confirmed and when necessary, confronted my belief systems. Like me, I hope you get to know him and become the NOBLE AND COMPETENT LEADER you’re called to be.
Join Louis in this adventure as together we…
NANOE Co-Founder
Louis Fawcett’s RE-IMAGINING NONPROFITS: Turning Your Mess Into a Masterpiece goes on sale November 5th GIVING TUESDAY
Louis Fawcett Says, “Everything You’ve Learned About Nonprofits Is Wrong” was first posted at NANOE
For more articles like Louis Fawcett Says, “Everything You’ve Learned About Nonprofits Is Wrong” VISIT HERE
National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives
712 H Street NE Suite 1149 – Washington, DC 20002
[email protected] (800) 257-6670
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