December 22, 2024

Looking For Your Next Job? Get Your Nonprofit Credentials First!

Are you a nonprofit professional who wants to increase your income potential? Do you want to change the world? Do you dream of going for the gold? Then the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives’ (NANOE) credentialing is for you. It was for me. NANOE Credentialing offers opportunities for career advancement and competitive advantage. Credentials can get you in the door for CEO, Vice-President, Director of Development or other nonprofit leadership […]
December 19, 2024

Kristi LaRose Oversees NANOE’s Operations & Finance

Kristi LaRose’s commitment to member engagement is unparalleled. She starts every day asking herself the question, “What can I do for NANOE Members today?” Kristi’s journey is a testament to her unwavering dedication to serving others and making a meaningful impact in both local communities and around the world. Her nonprofit career began with Goodwill Industries, where she discovered a deep passion for helping disadvantaged individuals. This led her to serve in […]
December 19, 2024

Lisa Van Zyll Leads NANOE’s Member Relations Team

Lisa Van Zyll, our Member Relations Director, has been an essential part of our team. With more than 30 years of experience in customer service and management, she has earned a reputation as our members’ “best friend.” Lisa approaches her role with warmth, enthusiasm, and an ever-present smile, always committed to helping others. Her passion for supporting those in the nonprofit sector ensures that our members can fulfill their important missions successfully. […]