May 22, 2023

Norman Gildin Says, “The Bard is Right!”

Norman Gildin Says, “The Bard is Right!” is one fundraising veteran’s take donor retention. Here’s what Norman has to say about a better way to fundraise: I confess that English literature was not my favorite subject in college. But one quote from William Shakespeare has always stuck with me. In Timon of Athens, Act I, scene I, he wrote, “‘Tis not enough to help the feeble up, but to support them after.” […]
January 2, 2023

Gravyty Raise – If I Only Had a Brain – Donor Software

Gravyty Raise – If I Only Had a Brain – Donor Software is one fundraising veteran’s take on a new fundraising management software platform. Here’s what Norman Gildin has to share: In the movie The Wizard of Oz, the Scarecrow laments he was deprived of the mental capacity that he later learned he always possessed. Declaring his despondency to Dorothy, he bemoans, “If I only had a brain!” Even now, as we […]
November 17, 2022

Norman Gildin Says, “Gen-X Is An Ascendant Generation!”

Norman Gildin Says, “Gen-X Is An Ascendant Generation!” is a nonprofit veteran’s take who’s now leading the charitable sector. Here’s what Norman has to share: Different generations and their involvement or potential involvement with nonprofit organizations have been the subject of much discussion in the fundraising world. Generation terms are often tossed around like a frisbee game. Before we can discuss the impact of age groups, however, let’s define a few terms. […]
June 16, 2022

Norman Gildin – Supercharge Your Fundraising Program

Norman Gildin – How To Supercharge Fundraising celebrates a new book titled Learn From My Experiences. Norman is a veteran fundraiser with more than four and a half decades in Development having raised nearly $100 million for charity. Learn From My Experiences is a compendium of stories that inspires readers to boldly invite donors to invest in their important  missions. The book is published by BookBaby and is available at and […]