Section 2: Consulting Practice
This section allows you to describe the consulting specialty area(s) in which you seek certification. The descriptions of projects below need to be brief. Use phrases to cut down on words. If any of your clients don't want their names mentioned, give the nature of the nonprofit rather than name (e.g. a girls club org; a afterschool org; a YMCA, etc.).
Please identify the capacity building areas in which you provide professional consultation to nonprofits from the list below. To successfully apply for NANOE certification, a significant amount of time should have been devoted to consultations in the concentration area(s) chosen during the past 5 years.
After choosing the concentration area(s) in which you seek CNC certification, complete that area’s questions.
Concentration 1: Accounting Principles & Practices
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Accounting Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
Describe what accounting tools, software packages (e.g. QuickBooks, Peachtree, In-House), and particular accounting systems you are competent to use (no more than five systems) and have used during your consultations with nonprofit clients. Include what used, for whom, duration of consultation, your role (sole consultant; co-consultant; team member). Example description: #1 Set up QuickBooks for Center on X, trained bookkeeper, 4 months consultation, sold consultant.
Identify instruction given to nonprofit leaders (individuals or classes) that lasted a full-day (i.e. 6-8 hours) in the mastery of accounting principles or accounting management tools (no more than five presentations.) Include in you description the topic of your instruction, who employed you, # of hrs of instruction, and your instructional role (sole presenter, co-presenter, etc.). Example description: Introduced accrual method of accounting to nonprofit bookkeepers, United Way of X, 8 hr workshop, sole presenter.
Describe grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts awarded to consult with nonprofits on accounting matters, such as conducting an audit, setting up a bookkeeping system for a startup nonprofit, etc. (no more than five projects.) Include in your narrative who contracted for services (i.e. client), described the accounting activity addressed, length of consultation, and your role (sole consultant, co-consultant, consulting team member, etc.). Example description: Grant from X Foundation to work with nonprofits is X city on establishing purchase/payment authorization system, 2 year grant, co-consultant.
Describe other types of accounting-related consultations you did over the past five years that were not included above (no more than five projects.) Include what done, who for, how long consultation lasted, your role (sole consultant, co-consultant, team member). Example: #1:helped Center of X establish annual budget review process, including formats for spreadsheets board/CEO received quarterly, 1 year/10 hrs per month, sole consultant.
Concentration 2: Fundraising & Development
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Fundraising Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
List the revenue raised as a result of fundraising consultation you have had over the past five years (no more than 10 projects). Include who for and how much raised and when. It is understood that more than you were involved in the success experienced. Example description: #1 for Center on X, $500,000, 2014. #2:Institute on Y, $100,000, 2015. etc.
What communication materials did you create (no more than five projects) while consulting with nonprofits on fundraising (e.g. proposals, grants, newsletters, case documents, direct mail, etc.)? Include who for, what was developed, length of consultation, and your role (e.g. sole author, co-author, team member). Example description: #1 wrote direct mail piece for Center on X, 1 year contract, sole consultant.
Describe the kind of fundraising campaigns (no more than five projects) you created or oversaw under contract with nonprofit clients (e.g. capital campaigns, endowment campaign, major gifts campaigns, foundation solicitation). Include who for, what done, length of consultation, and your role (sole consultant, co-consultant, team member). Example: #1:helped Center on X develop/implement major gifts campaign, 1 year, sole consultant.
Indicate any other types of fundraising consultations you did over the past five years that were not described above. (no more than five projects) Include what done, who for, how long consultation lasted, and your role.
Concentration 3: Human Resources Management
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Human Resource Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
Identify consultations (no more than five projects) in which you developed, implemented, and/or evaluated sourcing, recruitment, hiring, orientation, succession planning, retention, and/or exit programs necessary to ensure a nonprofit’s workforce was able to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. For each project, include who for, what was done, length of consultation, your specific role (sole consultant, co-consultation, etc.). Example description: #1:worked with HR staff from Center on X to establish a recruitment and hiring process, 1 year contract, sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) focused on developing, implementing, and evaluating activities and programs that addressed employee training and development, performance appraisal, talent and performance management, and meeting the unique needs of employees so as to ensure that the knowledge, skills, abilities, and performance of the workforce met current and future organizational and individual needs. Describe each project, who the employing organization or client was, a description of the nature of the consultation, the length of consultation, and your role (e.g. sole consultant, co-consultant, etc.). Example: #1:reviewed/revised performance appraisal system for Center on X, CA; 4 month contract, sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) focused on developing, selecting, administering and evaluating compensation and benefits programs for all employee groups that support the nonprofit organization’s strategic goals, objectives, and values. Include for each project who the employing organization or client was, a description of the consulting activity, the length of the consultation, and your role (e.g. sole consultant, co-consultant, one of many consultants, etc.). Example: #1:establish benefit tracking system for Center on X, SC; 1 year contract, co-consultant.
Describe your consultations (no more than five projects) with nonprofit leaders on analyzing, developing, overseeing, administering, and/or evaluating the workplace relationship between the nonprofit employer and employee in order to enhance productive relationships and improve working conditions that balance employer and employee needs and rights in support of the organization’s strategic goals, objectives, and values. For each project described, include who the employing organization or client was, a description of the nature of the consultation, length of the consultation, and your role. Example: #1:assessed employee satisfaction with service delivery operations, recommended improvements, oversaw changes, 2 year contract, sole consultant.
Concentration 4: Database & IT Management
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Database & IT Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) that lasted for at least a full day (i.e. 6-8 hrs) in which you instructed others in the installation and use of database management tools, software packages, and systems. Include for each consultant project what was done, who for, the duration of the instruction, your role. (e.g. sole or co-consultant, team member). Example: #1:taught Center on X program director how to use SPSS to analyze client data; 1 year/16 hrs/monthly; sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) on IT design, development, maintenance, troubleshooting, technical support, system support, system security, and/or system procedure implementation. Include what done, who for, length of consultation, and your role (e.g. sole consultant, co-consultant, one of consulting team members). Example: #1: implemented web-based client case management system for Center on X; 1 year contract; sole consultant.
Describe consultation projects (no more than five) focused on effective practices in data entry, data processing, data reporting, data integration into communications and reports, etc. Include in your description what was done, for whom, length of consultation, and your role (sole consultant, co-consulting, part of consulting team, etc. ). Example: #1:implemented service input/output tracking system for Center on X; 2 year contract; sole consultant.
Describe consultation projects (no more than five) in which you consulted with nonprofit leaders on the establishment of database teams including enhancing professional performance in database management knowledge and skills, how to coach others in database usage, increasing data management skills among other employees who may need to engage in data entry as part of their routine daily duties, etc. . Include in your description what done, who for, how long consultation lasted, and your role (sole consultant, co-consulting, part of consulting team, etc. ). Example: #1:trained service providers in consistency in tracking client outcome data for center on X; 1 year contract, sole consultant.
Concentration 5: Board Administration
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Board Administration Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) done for board of directors/officers (President, Chair, VP, Treasurer, Secretary) on their responsibilities, issues and concerns, and effective performance of duties. Include in your description what done, who for, the length of the consultation, and what your role was as a consultant (sole, co-consultant, member of team of consultants. Example: #1: Discussed with Board Chair and CEO role relationships and reporting responsibilities; for Center on X, NY; 2 month contract, sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) done for nonprofit executives on forming, managing and evaluating the Board performance. Include what was done, who for, length of consultation and your role as consultant (sole, co-, or member of consulting team). Example: #1:assisted Center on X create job descriptions of board members; 6 month consultation; sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you either facilitated or taught others to facilitate Board strategic planning processes. Include what done, who for, length of consultation, and your role as a consultant (sole, co-consultant, member of team of consultants).
Concentration 6: Program Management and Evaluation
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Program Management Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you examined current program outcomes and measurement practices, and assisted a nonprofit to establish improved outcomes, metrics, evaluation and analysis processes so that results, value and impacts could be determined. Include in your description what was done, who for, length of consultation, and your role (sole, co-consultant, team member of consulting team). Example: #1: Developed dashboard metrics system on service outcomes for Center on X in NY; 1 year consultation; sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you either facilitated or taught others to facilitate major program planning and/or development processes in which major changes in approach to the delivery of services were being planned, designed, and implemented in order to better meet the need of a nonprofit organizations customers (present or future). Include what done, who for, length of consultation, and your role (sole, co-consultant, team member of consulting team). Example: #1: evaluated current delivery process, recommended changes based on evidence-based best practices for Center on X, NY; 2 year contract, co-consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you worked with nonprofit leaders to enhance their communication of program effects and impacts to the public, their funders, and key stakeholders who influenced their credibility and economic well-being. Include in your description what was done, for whom, length of consultation and your role (sole, co-consultant, consulting team member). Example: #1: created outcome presentation sheet, rehearsed public presentations with executives (board/staff); 6 month contract; sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you examined present program or service delivery practices and suggested improvements, based on your knowledge of nationally recognized, evidence-based proven practices for the situations being addressed, or you helped standardize the approach to practices used, or helped add elements of practice that would better serve the present and anticipated future customers the nonprofit served. Include in your description what was done, for whom, length of consultation, and your role (sole, co-consultant, team member of consulting team). Example: #1: did service delivery process assessment, standardized line staff approach to delivery for Center of Y, TX; 1 year contract, co-consultant.
Concentration 7: Organizational Development
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Organizational Development Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you assessed one or more areas of a nonprofit’s organization or operations to determine effectiveness and improvement. Describe what areas of improvement were addressed, for whom, the length of the consultation, and your role (sole, co-consultant, consulting team member). Example: #1:assess the fit between current operations and service delivery needs for Center of Y, NY: 1 year contract; sole consultant.
Describe consultation projects (no more than five) that aimed to help nonprofit leaders advance their missions by better serving their customers while paying attention to the change process needed in order to be sensitive to staff, the public, donors, and other stakeholders' concerns regarding the changes required. Describe the nature of the consultation, who it was for, length of consultation, and your role. Example: #1: conducted focus groups with stakeholders of concerns regarding projected service delivery changes, reported results, assisted in changing strategies where needed for Center X, NY; 2 year contract, sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you either facilitated conflict resolution processes or examined the nature of the conflict present and coached leaders on how to handle it. Describe the nature of the consultation, who it was for, length of consultation, and your role in each project. Example: #1: mediated dispute between Center X and Center Y regarding perceived turf issues on providing meals to seniors; 2 month contract, done at request of city council chair, sole consultant.
Describe consultation projects (no more than five) in which you either facilitated or taught others to facilitate organization-wide strategic planning processes. Include what done, who for, length of consultation, and your consulting role. Example: #1: facilitated strategic planning process of United Way of X, MI; 1 year contract, sole consultant.
Concentration 8: Marketing and PR
Months Engaged in 10% of your time in Marketing & PR Consultations
How many months have you consulted 10% of your time (or greater) during each month on this concentration over the past five years?
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you evaluated a nonprofit organization's marketing and public relations operations and lead them through improvements to their practices. Include in your description what was done, who for, the length of the consultation and your role (sole, co-consultant, consulting team member). Example description #1:created public awareness campaign for Center of Y, NY; 1 year contract, sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which you assisted nonprofit leaders in the development and implementation and/or evaluation of a public relations campaign. Include in your description was done, for whom, the length of the consultation and your role (sole, co-consultant, consulting team member). Example: #1: implemented strategy for briefing all public officials in X city on outcomes and impacts of the Center on Y's work; 1 year contract received from X Foundation, sole consultant.
Describe consulting projects (no more than five) in which the focus was on increasing nonprofit leaders effective use of the internet to promote their organization to customers, the public at large, and key stakeholders. For each project describe the nature of the project, who it was for, the length of the consultation and your role (sole, co-consultant, consulting team member). Example: #1: created a website focused on Center outcomes for Center on Z, NY; 1 year contract; co-consultant.
Describe projects done (no more than five) in which you researched current public attitudes and/or awareness of a nonprofit’s services, reported results, and recommended changes in marketing and public relations strategies, and/or areas of the organization and its services that may need to be improved. Describe the nature of the project, and who it was for, the length of the consultation and your role (sole, co-consultant, consulting team member). Example: #1:conducted focus groups with consumers of Center on Y's services; report results; worked with Center to change offerings; 1 year contract, sole consultant.